<Title>Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system</Title>
<Text>Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system cannot be installed on this computer. The compatibility pack requires Microsoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Microsoft Windows Server 2003, or Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 1.</Text>
<Action type="Quit"/>
<Action type="If">
<Equal property="SYS.ARGS.PASSIVE" toValue="1"/>
<Action type="CreateTempFolder">
<Action type="ExtractFile">
<Action type="PromptEULA">
<Title>Compatibility Pack for the 2007 Office system</Title>
<CheckBox>Click here to &accept the Microsoft Software License Terms.</CheckBox>
<Message>You must accept the Microsoft Software License Terms in order to continue the installation.</Message>
<CancelConfirmation>Are you sure you want to cancel setup?</CancelConfirmation>